About me

Welcome to my blog! I’m Shabnam Firdaus, a multifaceted individual deeply passionate about poetry, blogging, and digital creativity. Currently, I call the enchanting city of Patna, Bihar, my home.

While my identity is strongly rooted in being a poet, blogger, and digital creator, my interests stretch far beyond the boundaries of creativity. I’m also proud to be a co-author of two books: “A Guide to English Literature” and “Perspectives on Gulliver’s Travels.”

Beyond my literary pursuits, I am on a continuous quest for knowledge and personal growth. At present, I’m engrossed in a certificate course in holistic nutrition. This journey is driven by my unwavering desire to comprehend the significance of nourishing our bodies and leading a harmonious, balanced lifestyle.

Through this blog, my aim is to share my wisdom and experiences in the realm of nutrition. By discussing various intriguing topics, I hope to connect with like-minded individuals, ignite meaningful conversations, and provide invaluable insights to my cherished readers.

Thank you for embarking on this enlightening journey with me.